Cf:  EB, EBD




The St. Martin Parish School Board shall require the following energy conservation practices in order to gain maximum efficiency from available energy sources for school food services and school buildings:

School Food Services:

  1. Lights in the dining area of the cafeteria should not be turned on until the dining area is actually in use.

  2. Pre-heating ovens - lengthy pre-heating of ovens accounts for a great deal of fuel that can ordinarily be conserved.  Ovens should be pre-heated only until the desired temperature is reached.  As soon as the desired temperature has been reached, the food should be placed in the oven immediately.

  3. Freezers and refrigerators should be defrosted periodically for maximum operational efficiency.

  4. Consideration should be given to consolidating freezer loads in cafeterias where several freezers are in operation and none are filled to capacity.  Freezers operate more efficiently when they are filled to capacity.

  5. All freezer and refrigerator doors should be inspected and faulty or worn-out gaskets replaced.

  6. The temperature in the dining area of the cafeteria should be kept comfortable; however, overheating and overcooling should be avoided.

  7. Preparing food for the School Lunch Program early in the morning necessitates keeping food warm for several hours.  Careful planning in food preparation should result in having food ready for serving just prior to the lunch period.

  8. Over-preparation of food results in increased food cost for the total Program and increased use of energy.  Only the amount of food needed to meet Type A requirements for the number of eligible participants in the program should be prepared.

  9. Frequent preparation of those foods that require lengthy cooking time should be avoided.

  10. Prior to closing a cafeteria for the weekend or holidays, hot water tanks should be turned off or lowered.

  11. The use of all appliances that is not absolutely necessary for the efficient and economical operation of the School Food Service Program should be discontinued.

School Buildings:


  1. In heated buildings the temperature should be kept at 65 degrees F. during the day and 60 degrees at night.

  2. Buildings should not be heated or air-conditioned on weekends or holidays.

  3. Cleaning personnel should be instructed to turn off lights and local heating (or cooling) as they leave each work area.

  4. Heating and air-conditioning systems and equipment should be kept clean, and filters changed regularly.  Manufacturer's instructions should be followed carefully for efficient operation and maintenance.  If necessary, outside specialists should be hired to clean furnaces, adjust fuel air ratios, check thermostats and calibrate other controls.

  5. Air ducts and all hot and chilled water pipes should be insulated.  Windows, sash, doors and roof flashing should be caulked and weather stripped to prevent air leakage.

  6. All lighting (except for security areas) should be turned off after school has been dismissed.  Custodians should turn lights on only in work areas and not the whole floor.

  7. Teachers should be encouraged to turn off lights in empty rooms.

  8. Lighting level in cafeterias should be reduced.

  9. Light efficiency can be increased by changing light bulbs more often.  Long-life bulbs give less illumination per watt than the standard bulb.  Fluorescent fixtures use less than 1/3 the wattage and last much longer.

  10. Broken windows should be replaced.

  11. All registers, grills and radiators should be cleaned and surfaces kept free and clear of books, papers and obstructions.

  12. Water temperature to showers should be reduced and heads changed to reduce volume where necessary.

St. Martin Parish School Board