The term mobile device, for the purpose of this policy, refers to, but is not limited to, handheld devices provided by the St. Martin Parish School Board (SMPSB) and allowed in the school system and on SMPSB’s network for educational purposes.  Some examples are:  iPod Touch, iPad, Netbook, 2goPad, Kindle, Nook, Pocket PC, Palm, etc.  Said mobile devices are property of St. Martin Parish School District and must be used in accordance with SMPSB’s Student Technology and Internet Acceptable Use policy, procedures, and all applicable laws.  Use of these mobile devices, as well as access to the network, the Internet, and email are a privilege, not a right.  These devices are provided for educational purposes only and are intended to support learning and increased access to technology.  Only District-issued mobile devices shall be allowed in the schools and on SMPSB’s network.  All others shall be prohibited.  The mobile devices are to remain at school at all times, unless duly checked out through the proper procedures set forth by SMPSB.










The use of any SMPSB computer, mobile device, computer network, etc. is a privilege and not a right.  Students and employees are expected to use the mobile devices in their care in accordance with the SMPSB Student Technology and Internet Acceptable Use policy and the SMPSB Mobile Device Acceptable Use policy, and any applicable existing Board policies and applicable laws.


Depending on the nature and degree of the violation and the number of previous violations, unacceptable use may result in one or more of the following consequences for students:


  1. Suspension or cancellation of use and access privileges;

  2. Payment for damages and repairs;

  3. Disciplinary actions in accordance with other appropriate school district policies as stated in the St. Martin Parish Student Handbook including:


    1. detention, suspension, and or expulsion from school;

    2. civil or criminal liability under other applicable laws;

    3. restitution for restoration costs.


Depending on the nature and degree of the violation and the number of previous violations, unacceptable use may result in one or more of the following consequences for employees:


  1. Suspension or cancellation of use and access privileges

  2. Payment for damages and repairs

  3. Disciplinary actions in accordance with other appropriate school district policies as stated in the St. Martin Parish Policy Handbook


New policy:  January 5, 2011



Ref:     Board minutes, 1-5-11


St. Martin Parish School Board