The St. Martin Parish School Board shall require, in accordance with sound principles of financial accounting, purchase orders to be prepared on items purchased in the name of the School Board.  The purchase of all materials/supplies shall be as set forth on the attached schedule.




In order to provide for an accurate accounting of all funds expended and to facilitate prompt payment of bills, the following uniform requisitioning purchasing procedures shall be used by all schools and departments.  The procedures shall apply to all purchases that will be paid for by School Board funds.


Purchase Orders


Purchase orders shall be issued in four (4) parts.


  1. The original copy shall be sent to the vendor.

  2. A copy shall be kept in the purchasing office and the order entered in the purchase order log.  The order shall also be entered against the account to be charged and deducted from the balance in the account.

  3. A copy shall be returned to the school or department that issued the requisition and used to acknowledge receipt of material from the vendor.  After the material is received, this copy shall be signed and returned to the business office, signifying that the order is complete and ready for payment procedures to start.

  4. A copy is also retained by the Business Office/Schools.


Textbooks and Library Books


  1. Textbooks


    1. The first order for textbooks which will be needed for the next school session must consist of at least 80% of the textbook funds and must be submitted no later than February 15.  A second and final order for the funds remaining in each principal’s account must be submitted by September 15.

    2. If additional textbooks are needed after the opening of school, the textbooks supervisor shall be notified.  No one shall take textbooks out of the warehouse without the textbook supervisor present or unless written permission has been given to the warehouseman to give out textbooks.


  1. Library Books and Materials


    1. Library Funds


      1. State funds must be used for library books or encyclopedias only, and orders must go through the State Department of Education.

      2. Parish funds may be used for library books, library supplies, cost of books needing rebinding, magazines, and reference materials.

      3. Library orders shall be coordinated by the media specialist at the Instructional Center.

      4. Materials selection shall be in accordance with the St. Martin Parish School Board materials selection policy.



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:81, 17:97, 39:1301, 39:1302, 39:1303, 39:1304, 39:1305, 39:1306, 39:1307, 39:1308, 39:1309, 39:1310, 39:1311, 39:1312, 39:1313, 39:1314

Board minutes, 1-7-75, 11-87


St. Martin Parish School Board