AUGUST 7, 2020 – 3:00 P.M.




            The St. Martin Parish School Board met this day at the Administrative Office with the following members present:  Messrs. Russel C. Foti, President, Steve Fuselier, Jimmy Durio, Mike Clay, Frederic Stelly, Floyd Knott, Mark Hebert, and Ms. Edna M. Johnson.  

            ABSENT:          Mrs. Wanda B. Vital and Mr. Richard Potier


            The meeting was called to order by Russel C. Foti, President. 


            On the motion of Mr. Clay, seconded by Mr. Durio, and carried, the Board approved Option 1 with regard to revisions to the 2020-2021 School Calendar due to COVID-19 (attached as Exhibit A).

            FOR:    Mr. Fuselier, Ms. Johnson, Mr. Durio, Mr. Foti, and Mr. Clay

            OPPOSED:       Mr. Stelly, Mr. Knott, and Mr. Hebert

            ABSENT:          Mrs. Vital and Mr. Potier


            A motion was made by Ms. Johnson and seconded by Mr. Clay to amend the dress code policy allowing school employees to wear scrubs during the COVID-19 pandemic (phases 2 and 3).  The motion was then voted on with a result as follows:

            FOR:    Mr. Fuselier, Ms. Johnson, Mr. Foti, and Mr. Clay

            OPPOSED:       Mr. Durio, Mr. Stelly, Mr. Knott, and Mr. Hebert

            ABSENT:          Mrs. Vital and Mr. Potier

            The vote was tied, therefore, the motion failed.


            The President acknowledged the Public Participation cards that were filled out and allowed the following individuals to speak concerning the 2020-2021 School Calendar:  Mr. Jordan Kelt and Ms. Tony Ventroy


            On the motion of Mr. Hebert, seconded by Mr. Clay, and unanimously carried, the Board adjourned.


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SECRETARY                                                            PRESIDENT