JUNE 3, 2020




            The St. Martin Parish School Board convened on this day at 5:00 P.M. at the Administrative Office with the following members present:  Messrs. Russel C. Foti, President, Steve Fuselier, Jimmy Durio, Mike Clay, Richard Potier, Frederic Stelly, Floyd Knott, Mark Hebert, Mrs. Wanda B. Vital and Ms. Edna M. Johnson.  

            ABSENT:          None


            The meeting was called to order by Russel C. Foti, President.  Mr. Allen Blanchard, Jr., Superintendent, opened the meeting with a prayer and the pledge of allegiance. 


            The following item was added to the consent agenda:


            Consider and/or approve the following resolutions:

a)     Commending BESE Members for the Election of the New State Superintendent of Education

b)     Opposing Constitutional Amendment, HB14 of the First Extraordinary Session of 2020


On the motion of Mr. Hebert, seconded by Mr. Fuselier, and unanimously carried, the Board approved the following consent agenda items:


a)     Minutes of the following meetings:

1)     Finance Committee Meeting of May 18, 2020

2)     Regular Meeting of May 18, 2020

b)     Request for waiver of sales tax penalties

c)      Request for authorization to enter into agreement to continue funding for the Louisiana Uniform Local Sales Tax Board 

d)     2020-2021 School Board Meeting Dates  (attached as Exhibit A)

e)     Teche News as Official Journal for the 2020-2021 school session

f)       Terminating contract with LSU Health and entering into contract with St. Martin Hospital for Medical Director services for the 3 School-Based Health Centers 

g)     Revisions to the 504/SBLC Handbook for the 2020-2021 school year

h)     St. Martin Parish Personnel Evaluation Program (Bulletin 130) 

i)       Payment for After-Care Programs for the 2020-2021 school term

j)       Recommendations for the 2020 Virtual Academic Summer School personnel:  Frederick Menard, Karen Dupont, and Todd Angelle

k)      Payment for Breaux Bridge High's Assistant Baseball Coach 

l)       Payment for Breaux Bridge High's Assistant Girls Basketball Coach

m)    Resolutions:  (attached as Exhibit B)

1)     Commending BESE Members for the Election of the New State Superintendent of Education

2)     Opposing Constitutional Amendment, HB14 of the First Extraordinary Session of 2020


On the motion of Mr. Hebert, seconded by Mr. Fuselier, and unanimously carried, the Board approved the following Finance Committee recommendations:


a)     Renewal of Workers Comp Excess Coverage through Brown & Brown of LA with New York Marine and General Insurance Company

b)     Recommended the purchase of four (4) trucks on State Contract, as follows:

(1)     F-250 Regular Cab w/Knaphiede 696J Service Body truck ---- $30,659.46

(3)  F-150 Regular Cab --- $20,566.87 x 3 = $61,770.61

c)   Option 1 with regard to the Student Accident Insurance renewal proposal in the amount of $111,213 submitted by Bollinger Specialty Group


On the motion of Mrs. Vital, seconded by Mr. Fuselier, and unanimously carried, the Board approved to award the St. Martinville High School Main Building Electrical Access and Door Hardware Upgrades project to the low bidder, Skeeter Properties and Contractors, LLC, in the amount of $177,000.00.


            On the motion of Mrs. Vital, seconded by Mr. Fuselier, and unanimously carried, the Board approved to accept the proposal from JC Construction in the amount of $56,500 for SMSH Rear Drive Upgrade.


            On the motion of Mr. Potier, seconded by Mr. Fuselier, and unanimously carried, the Board approved to authorize the superintendent to accept the low quoter for the CCRC Reroofing of Buildings A & B once quotes are received on June 10, 2020 at 10am. Funding source is CCRC 2016 Bond.


            On the motion of Mrs. Vital, seconded by Mr. Hebert, an unanimously carried, the Board approved to accept the furniture proposal for Parks Middle from Louisiana School Equipment Co., LLC in the amount of $17,781.44, if funding is available.


            On the motion of Mr. Potier, seconded by Mr. Clay, and unanimously carried, the Board approved to accept change order proposal #2 for additional drainage work at Breaux Bridge Elementary in the amount of $28,903.54 from Acadiane Renovations. Funding source Breaux Bridge area funds.


            On the motion of Mrs. Vital, seconded by Mr. Fuselier, and unanimously carried, the Board approved to release contingency funds needed to complete summer 2020 scopes. JCEP contingency fund balance is $11,500. Individual projects approved by committee.


            On the motion of Mrs. Vital, seconded by Mr. Hebert, and unanimously carried, the Board approved releasing contingency funds needed to accept alternate #2. Parks Middle contingency fund balance is $69,068.


On the motion of Mr. Hebert, seconded by Mr. Durio, and unanimously carried, the Board approved sharing remaining construction funds between Parks Middle and Parks Primary. Remaining fund balance of $104,000 for PM and PP. Individual projects approved by committee and local board members.


On the motion of Mrs. Vital, seconded by Mr. Fuselier, and unanimously carried, the Board approved to release contingency funds needed to complete summer 2020 scopes. Early Learning Center contingency fund balance is $96,115. Individual projects approved by committee.


            No action was necessary for the following items:


a)     Consider and/or recommend action with regard to the outstanding bond project items for the BBHS/CHS Track and Field - Owner provided testing reports, Substantial Completion Document Signed, Outstanding punch list, warranty items

b)     Consider and/or recommend action with regard to all projects under construction:

1) Possibly discuss status of testing, substantial completion, additional day request and liquidated damages which are being coordinated by board attorney.

i) Contractor rain day requests to be presented and discussed at the meeting.


On the motion of Mr. Fuselier, seconded by Mr. Hebert, and unanimously carried, the Board approved to adopt the millage rates for the tax year 2020.


On the motion of Mr. Stelly, seconded by Mr. Fuselier, and unanimously carried, the Board approved the policy regarding the renewal of property leases (attached as Exhibit C).


A motion was made by Mr. Fuselier and seconded by Mr. Potier to approve the advertisement of two (2) Early Childhood Education manager positions.


A substitute motion was made by Mr. Knott and seconded by Mr. Hebert to hire as many teacher aides or helpers as possible with those funds.  The substitute motion was then voted on and failed, as follows:

FOR:    Mr. Knott and Mr. Hebert

OPPOSED:       Mr. Fuselier, Mrs. Vital, Ms. Johnson, Mr. Durio, Mr. Foti, Mr. Clay, Mr. Potier, and Mr. Stelly

The original motion was then voted on and carried, as follows:

FOR:    Ms. Johnson, Mr. Durio, Mr. Foti, Mr. Clay, Mr. Potier, and Mr. Stelly

OPPOSED:       Mr. Fuselier, Mrs. Vital, Mr. Knott, and Mr. Hebert


A motion was made by Mrs. Vital and seconded by Mr. Fuselier to approve the renewal of four contracts with Poche Prouet Associates for Environmental, Asbestos, Fire Marshal and Maintenance for fiscal year 2020-2021 with the same contract terms and conditions previously reviewed and accepted by Mark Boyer and the Board.


A substitute motion was made by Mr. Hebert and seconded by Mr. Knott to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a one (1) year contract.  The substitute motion was then voted on with a result as follows:

FOR:    Mr. Durio, Mr. Foti, Mr. Stelly, Mr. Knott, and Mr. Hebert

OPPOSED:       Mr. Fuselier, Mrs. Vital, Ms. Johnson, Mr. Clay, and Mr. Potier

The vote was tied, therefore, the motion failed.

The original motion was then voted on and carried, as follows:

FOR:    Mr. Fuselier, Mrs. Vital, Ms. Johnson, Mr. Durio, Mr. Foti, Mr. Clay, and Mr. Potier

OPPOSED:       Mr. Stelly, Mr. Knott, and Mr. Hebert


On the motion of Mr. Fuselier, seconded by Mr. Durio, and unanimously carried, the Board approved the deadline for all agenda items be moved up from the Wednesday a week before the meeting to the Monday of that week.


A motion was made by Mr. Knott and seconded by Mr. Potier to give a three (3) percent salary increase to all employees, excluding Board Members.  If short, dip into the rainy day fund.


A substitute motion was made by Mrs. Vital and seconded by Mr. Potier to give employees three (3) percent as a sales tax supplement.


A second substitute motion was made by Mr. Potier to take three (3) percent of the MFP, divide the amount of employees, and give an equal amount.  The second substitute motion died for lack of a second.


A third substitute motion was made by Mr. Hebert and seconded by Mr. Fuselier to postpone salary increases for all employees. The third substitute motion was then voted on and carried, as follows:

FOR:    Mr. Fuselier, Mrs. Vital, Ms. Johnson, Mr. Durio, Mr. Foti, Mr. Clay, Mr. Potier, Mr. Stelly, and Mr. Hebert

ABSTAINED:         Mr. Knott


Board Member Floyd Knott expressed concerns relative to Head Start.


Board Member Mark Hebert requested information pertaining to charges by project management firm (Poche Prouet Associates).


On the motion of Mr. Hebert, seconded by Mr. Stelly, and unanimously carried, the Board approved the attorney’s recommendation for the Cecilia Primary Multipurpose Building related to the metal building delivery delays on January 30, 2020, to accept six (6) days plus twenty-one (21) recommended by A&E Consultants, Inc., and the Covid days with a completion date of June 23, 2020.


            On the motion of Mr. Hebert, seconded by Mrs. Vital, and unanimously carried, the Board went into Executive Session.


            On the motion of Mrs. Vital, seconded by Mr. Hebert, and unanimously carried, the Board came out of Executive Session.


            No action was necessary for the pending litigation, Thomas v. St. Martin Parish School Board, Civil Action No. 11314 (W.D.La.).


            On the motion of Mr. Hebert, seconded by Mr. Stelly, and unanimously carried, the Board adjourned.


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SECRETARY                                                            PRESIDENT