MARCH 4, 2020




            The St. Martin Parish School Board convened on this day at 5:00 P.M. at the Administrative Office with the following members present:  Messrs. Russel C. Foti, President, Steve Fuselier, Jimmy Durio, Mike Clay, Richard Potier, Frederic Stelly, Floyd Knott, Mark Hebert, and Ms. Edna M. Johnson.  

            ABSENT:          Mrs. Wanda B. Vital


            The meeting was called to order by Russel C. Foti, President.  Mr. Allen Blanchard, Jr., Superintendent, opened the meeting with a prayer and the pledge of allegiance. 


            On the motion of Mr. Fuselier, seconded by Mr. Hebert, and unanimously carried, the Board approved the Minutes of the following meetings:

a)     Finance Committee Meeting of February 5, 2020

b)     Regular Meeting of February 5, 2020


ABSENT:          Mrs. Vital


On the motion of Mr. Stelly, seconded by Mr. Knott, and unanimously carried, the Board approved the request for waiver of sales tax penalties.


            ABSENT:          Mrs. Vital


            On the motion of Mr. Hebert, seconded by Mr. Durio, and unanimously carried, the Board approved the request for permission to call for bids on the following:


a)     Grocery

b)     Milk & Milk Related Products

c)     Meat & Frozen Food Products

d)     SN Small Equipment & Supplies

e)     SN Paper & Chemicals


ABSENT:          Mrs. Vital


On the motion of Mr. Hebert, seconded by Mr. Fuselier, and unanimously carried, the Board approved the highest rated bids as the providers for the E-Rate Category 2 equipment and networking for St. Martin Parish School Board, dependent upon grant funding.


            ABSENT:          Mrs. Vital


On the motion of Mr. Potier, seconded by Mr. Fuselier, and unanimously carried, the Board approved donating the remaining parts of the old St. Martinville High School greenhouse to Chip Durand.


            ABSENT:          Mrs. Vital


            On the motion of Mr. Stelly, seconded by Mr. Hebert, and unanimously carried, the Board approved revisions to Policy:  File II:  Testing Program Policy.


            ABSENT:          Mrs. Vital


            On the motion of Mr. Hebert, seconded by Mr. Stelly, and unanimously carried, the Board approved the following Finance Committee recommendations:


a)     Professional Liability Insurance proposal submitted by Brown and Brown of Louisiana, LLC

b)     Awarding Notice of “Acceptance for Beneficial Use” prior to Substantial Completion if authorized by the Board President, Superintendent, Principal, Architect and Project Manager for the Early Learning Center Kitchen Addition.  Substantial Completion on or before March 25, 2020.

c)     Awarding Substantial Completion for the following:

1)     Cecilia Junior High School Air Conditioning (see attached punch list)

2)     St. Martinville Primary New Library

d)     Accepting the request for rain or project delays for St. Martinville Primary Library (December - 4 days, January - 15 days, February - 7 days) and tabled the request for the Cecilia Primary New Multipurpose Bldg. and Cecilia Junior High Gym until authorized by the Board Attorney


ABSENT:          Mrs. Vital


Mr. Burton Dupuis, Chairman of St. Martin Parish Council on Aging, made a presentation to the Board regarding the Public Relations Program.


            On the motion of Mr. Potier, seconded by Ms. Johnson, and carried, the Board approved the proposed 2020-2021 School Calendar for St. Martin Parish Schools (attached as Exhibit A).


            ABSTAINED:         Mr. Hebert


            ABSENT:          Mrs. Vital


            On the motion of Mr. Potier, seconded by Mr. Fuselier, and carried, the Board approved the request for waiver of the $1500.00 fee for use of the St. Martinville High School turf football field by Louisiana Youth Elite Tigers.


            OPPOSED:       Mr. Stelly and Mr. Hebert


            ABSENT:          Mrs. Vital


            On the motion of Mr. Hebert, seconded by Mr. Potier, and unanimously carried, the Board approved extending the lease of school owned property in Arnaudville.


            ABSENT:          Mrs. Vital


            Consider and/or approve always allowing students at JCEP to eat in the cafeteria at separate times from the other kids was tabled.


No action was necessary for the pending litigation, Thomas v. St. Martin Parish School Board, Civil Action No. 11314 (W.D.La.).


            On the motion of Mr. Hebert, seconded by Mr. Stelly, and unanimously carried, the Board adjourned.


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SECRETARY                                                            PRESIDENT