DECEMBER 4, 2019




          The St. Martin Parish School Board convened on this day at 5:00 P.M. at the Administrative Office with the following members present:  Messrs. Russel C. Foti, President, Steve Fuselier, Jimmy Durio, Mike Clay, Frederic Stelly, Floyd Knott, Mark Hebert, Mrs. Wanda B. Vital, and Ms. Edna M. Johnson.  

          ABSENT:      Mr. Richard Potier  


          The meeting was called to order by Russel C. Foti, President.  Mr. Allen Blanchard, Jr., Superintendent, opened the meeting with a prayer and the pledge of allegiance. 


          Helena Salmon, Teacher at Stephensville Elementary, was recognized as the November Employee of the Month sponsored by Southern Scripts.


          On the motion of Mr. Fuselier, seconded by Mr. Hebert, and unanimously carried, the Board approved the Minutes of the following meetings:

a)    Finance Committee Meeting of November 6, 2019

b)    Regular Meeting of November 6, 2019

ABSENT:      Mr. Potier


On the motion of Mr. Clay, seconded by Mr. Fuselier, and carried, the Board approved the request for waiver of sales tax penalties.

ABSTAINED:           Mrs. Vital

ABSENT:      Mr. Potier


On the motion of Mrs. Vital, seconded by Mr. Hebert, and unanimously carried, the Board approved the amendment to the board resolution to negotiate contracts with Greenway Health, Change Healthcare, and Alpha II.

ABSENT:      Mr. Potier


On the motion of Mr. Fuselier, seconded by Ms. Johnson, and carried, the Board approved the contract for Policy 360, the Policy Updating Service, Forethought Consulting, Inc.

OPPOSED:   Mr. Hebert

ABSENT:      Mr. Potier


On the motion of Mr. Hebert, seconded by Mr. Fuselier, and unanimously carried, the Board approved payment for Breaux Bridge High’s Assistant Football Coach.

ABSENT:      Mr. Potier


On the motion of Mr. Hebert, seconded by Mr. Clay, and unanimously carried, the Board approved the following Finance Committee recommendations:

a)    Acceptance and award of bids or proposals for the following:

1)    Proposal received by School Board Maintenance Department for Breaux Bridge Primary New Playground Equipment from Pitre’s Playsets in the amount of $26,610.  Remaining 2016 Bond Budget for BBP is $37,008.

b)    Approval to proceed through Contract Documents and Advertisement for bids or proposals for the following:

1)    ELC Flooring Abatement:  Dining Room and Morning Room

2)    SMP Flooring Abatement:  Dining Room

3)    PM Flooring Abatement:  Building B, E and one classroom in Building D

c)     Table the outstanding bond project items for the following, get advice from the Board Attorney, and bring back to the Board in April, 2020:

1)    BBHS/CHS Track and Field – Outstanding punch list and warranty items

2)    CHS Concession

                                          i.     Progress report on repairs

                                         ii.     Principals request for this work not to be done until April 2020

d)    Bid proposals for E-Rate Category 2 for the 2020-2021 Funding Year

ABSENT:      Mr. Potier


Board Member Floyd Knott expressed concerns regarding the Head Start and Early Start Programs.


On the motion of Mrs. Vital, seconded by Mr. Clay, and unanimously carried, the Board went into Executive Session.


On the motion of Mrs. Vital, seconded by Mr. Stelly, and unanimously carried, the Board came out of Executive Session.

ABSENT:      Mr. Potier


          On the motion of Mr. Clay, seconded by Mr. Hebert, and unanimously carried, the Board approved to grant the request for the salary concern for the two employees discussed in Executive Session.

          ABSENT:      Mr. Potier


          No action was necessary for the following items:

a)    Pending litigation, Thomas v. St. Martin Parish School Board, Civil Action No. 11314 (W.D.La.)

b)    Appeal – Expulsion


On the motion of Mr. Hebert, seconded by Mr. Durio, and unanimously carried, the Board adjourned.


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SECRETARY                                                            PRESIDENT