FEBRUARY 5, 2016 – 4:00 P.M.




The St. Martin Parish School Board met this day with the following members present:  Messrs., Mark Hebert, President, Steve Fuselier, Aaron Flegeance, James Blanchard, Russel C. Foti, Burton Dupuis, Richard Potier, Frederic Stelly, Floyd Knott, and Ms. Wanda B. Vital.


ABSENT:          None


A motion was made by Mr. Fuselier and seconded by Mr. Flegeance to accept Poché Prouet Associates as the Project Manager for the 2016 Bond.


A substitute motion was made by Mr. Potier to have staff look into an alternative resource for Project Manager.  The substitute motion died for lack of a second.


The original motion was then voted on and carried.


OPPOSED:       Mr. Potier


On the motion of Mr. Dupuis, seconded by Mr. Flegeance, and carried, the Board approved $4 million of $9.8 million of the fee and contingency allocation in the 2016 Bond to be used to supplement the Breaux Bridge Junior High per capita allotment to meet the court ordered compliance requirements.  When the 2016 Bond Program is complete, whatever remaining contingency funds are available, would be distributed on a per capita basis, excluding the Breaux Bridge district.


OPPOSED:       Mr. Potier


On the motion of Mr. Dupuis, seconded by Mr. Stelly, and unanimously carried, the Board adjourned.



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SECRETARY                                                  PRESIDENT