JANUARY 6, 2016





            The St. Martin Parish School Board convened on this day at 5:00 P.M. at the Administrative Office with the following members present:  Messrs. Mark Hebert, President, Steve Fuselier, Aaron Flegeance, Burton Dupuis, James Blanchard, Russel C. Foti, Richard Potier, Frederic Stelly, Floyd Knott, and Ms. Wanda B. Vital.  


            ABSENT:          None


            The meeting was called to order by Mark Hebert, President.  Dr. Lottie P. Beebe, Superintendent, opened the meeting with a prayer and the pledge of allegiance.


            Board President Mark Hebert opened the floor for nominations for President of the Board.  On the motion of Mr. Knott, seconded by Mr. Stelly, Mr. Mark Hebert was nominated for the office of President.


            On the motion of Mr. Blanchard, seconded by Mr. Flegeance, and unanimously carried, nominations for the office of President were closed.


            Mr. Mark Hebert was re-elected President of the St. Martin Parish School Board for the year 2016.


            Board President Mark Hebert called for the acceptance of nominations for Vice-President of the Board.  On the motion of Mr. Flegeance, seconded by Ms. Vital, Mr. Russel C. Foti was nominated for the office of Vice-President.


            On the motion of Mr. Blanchard, seconded by Mr. Flegeance, and unanimously carried, nominations for the office of Vice-President were closed.


            Mr. Russel C. Foti was elected Vice-President for the St. Martin Parish School Board for the year 2016.

Board President Mark Hebert made the following appointments:

          Aaron Flegeance, Education Committee Chairman

          Burton Dupuis, Finance and Insurance Committee Chairman

          Steve Fuselier, Transportation Committee Chairman

          Frederic Stelly, Maintenance Committee Chairman


The item regarding the evaluation and/or discussion of the renewal of the Superintendent’s contract was tabled until the February Board meeting.


On the motion of Mr. Dupuis, seconded by Mr. Flegeance, and unanimously carried, the Board approved the following consent agenda items:


a)              Minutes of the following meetings:

1)     Regular Meeting of December 2, 2015

2)     Special Meeting of December 14, 2015

3)     Special Meeting of December 21, 2015

b)              Finance Committee recommendations:

1)     RFP (Request for Proposal) for medical and pharmacy administration for group health benefit plan

2)     Sales Tax Supplement for the month of January in the amount of $500 for both professional and paraprofessional employees

3)     Advertise for bids for infrastructure/cabling projects for St. Martinville Primary, Early Learning Center, St. Martinville Junior High, Breaux Bridge Junior High , Parks Primary, Virtual School, JCEP, and CCRC

4)     Authorize the Superintendent to award the Infrastructure Projects if the bids come in within the available budget due to E-Rate grant timelines

5)     Authorize Mr. Jim Poche, Poche Prouet Associates, to accept bids for the demolition of the old ELC and allow the Superintendent to award if the bids are within the available budget

6)     Provide funds for the re-roofing of Building E at St. Martinville Primary School

7)     Authorizing A&E to proceed with an analysis of JCEP Roofing, on an hourly basis, not to exceed $5,000

c)              Request for waiver of sales tax penalties for the following:

1)     Stabiltec Downhole Tools LLC

2)     Halliburton Energy Services Inc.

d)              Policy revisions for inclusion in the St. Martin Parish School Board Policy Manual:

BH, School Board Ethics

EBBG, Hazardous Substances

GBDA, Employment of Retired Personnel

IDCH, Home Study Program

IFA, Instructional Materials

IFAA, Textbook Selection and Adoption

e)              Resolution certifying President and Vice-President to conduct transactions for and on behalf of the School Board

f)               Personnel Changes:

1)     Request for extra employment pay for Corita Andrus, Cabrini Benoit,  Ashley Bonvillain, Dana Broussard, Brenda Davis, Ashley Howard, Callie Roessler, and Grace Sloane for Cecilia Primary’s After-Care Program for the months of November and December, 2015

2)     Request for extra employment pay for Karen Anderson, Cedric Theyard, Angela Watson, and Lisa Alexander for Teche Elementary’s After-Care Program for the month of November, 2015

3)     Request for extra employment pay for Patty Orgeron, Allison Guagliardo, Candice Grivet, Nicholas Piazza, and Jewel Vinson for Stephensville Elementary’s After-Care Program for the month of November, 2015

4)     Request for extra employment pay for Rena David, Tonia Theriot, Kate Gary, Theresa Blankenship, Regina Smart, Catherine Meche, Trisha Chauvin, and Cherie Foti for Parks Primary’s After-Care Program for the month of November, 2015

5)     Stipend for Cecilia Senior High’s Assistant Volleyball Coaches (N. Wiltz/H. Lewis)


Mr. Russell Champagne with Kolder, Champagne, Slaven & Company presented the audit report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2015.


The following item was removed from the agenda:

a)     Consider and/or approve authorizing the consultant, Structure Design Group to move forward with the Parks Middle Miscellaneous Renovations (2013 Bond) and allow the Superintendent to award the projects if they are within the available budget, as outlined below, contingent upon the Parks Middle New Classrooms project come in within budget.  Allow transferring of funds between individual projects listed as long as the total is not exceeded.

1)     Paint interior/exterior     $65,000

2)     Caf. epoxy floor             $10,000


On the motion of Mr. Flegeance, seconded by Mr. Blanchard, and unanimously carried, the Board approved the following 2009 and 2013 Bond projects:


a)     Allowing the Superintendent to award Substantial Completion with punch list to the following projects, based on recommendation of the Architect:

1)     Cecilia High New Classrooms

2)     Cecilia Primary Cooler and Freezer

3)     Cecilia Jr. High New Classrooms

b)     Awarding the Stephensville Miscellaneous Renovations to the low quoter, Acadiane Renovations, in the amount of $61,000.  Project includes work to be completed under the 2013 Bond (painting, replace windows and walls in Dining, and epoxy at food prep area).

1)     Propose funding the project with remaining 2009 funds in order to facilitate closing out the 2009 Bond.

2)     The total remaining 2013 and 2009 bond funds (construction and fees/contingency) is approximately $184,000 (see Recap attached to Project Status Report).  A list of remaining projects were presented at the School Board meeting and the Board authorized the Superintendent to award the projects if they remain within the available budget. 

c)     Awarding the Parks Middle New Classrooms/2013 Bond to the low bidder, Bulliard, in the amount of $935,000 (OPPOSED:  Mr. Potier)

d)     Awarding Breaux Bridge Jr. High Gym Roof project/2013 Bond to the low bidder, Morcore Roofing, in the amount of $127,500

e)     Allowing the Superintendent to award St. Martinville High Indoor Baseball Facility if the bids come in within the available budget (project bids January 13, 2016).  Results will be presented at the February School Board meeting.

f)      Authorizing A&E to proceed with an analysis of JCEP Roofing, on an hourly basis not to exceed $5,000.  Preliminary report attached to Project Status Report.

g)     Allowing the Superintendent to award the Old SMHS Demolition if the bids are within the available budget

h)     Allowing the Superintendent to award the St. Martinville Primary Roofing project if the bids are within the available budget

i)       Acknowledge the following Purchase Order/Change Orders/Change Directives issued and/or to be authorized by the Superintendent:

1)     Parks Middle Drainage (2013 Bond)/Bulliard Construction in the amount of $14,375 to be funded by available contingency funds for the school (proposal attached to Project Status Report)

2)     Parks Primary Miscellaneous Renovations (2013 Bond)/Bulliard Construction in the amount of $42,562 which quoted on December 12, 2015.  Propose funding $40,000 from available construction budget and $2,562 from remaining 2009 funds available for the school (quote form attached to Project Status Report)

3)     Contractor costs for Asbestos Abatement/Air Monitoring at the following:

i.                Career Center - $5,840 (2013 Career Center funds

ii.               Cecilia Primary - $2,250 (2013 Cecilia District funds)

iii.              ELC - $4,450 (2013 St. Martinville District funds)

iv.             SMHS - $815 (2013 St. Martinville District funds)

v.              Parks Middle $1,050 (2013 P/C/S District funds)

4)     Update on final cost for Cecilia Jr. High New Classrooms moisture mitigation – The number was approved up to $42,000.  The Change Order is in the amount of $28,495.75 for the moisture mitigation portion of the work only.

5)     Change Order to BBHS New Classrooms for moisture mitigation in the amount of $6,154.80 (ARL)

6)     Change Order to CHS New Classrooms for moisture mitigation in the amount of $5,292.00 (Lenard Bertrand)

7)     Security Cameras/La. One Connect at the following projects (all wiring etc. was included in the original contract; separate proposals taken for equipment).  Recommendation letter and proposals attached to Project Status Report:

i.                CHS - $4,382 (fund with 2013 Bond Cecilia District funds)

ii.               CJH New Classrooms - $4,400 (fund with 2013 Bond Cecilia District funds)

iii.              BBHS New Classrooms - $7,335 (fund with 2009 Bond remaining funds)

j)               Update on options available for Teche Elementary Elevator  (OPPOSED:  Mr. Potier)

k)     Update on Parish-wide Roofing priorities and recommendations


On the motion of Mr. Stelly, seconded by Mr.Foti, and unanimously carried, the Board approved a policy regarding hunting on School Board properties (attached as Exhibit A).


The Board heard a Citizen’s Request by Dean Guidry regarding the policy for hunting on School Board properties.


On the motion of Mr. Potier, seconded by Mr. Knott, and unanimously carried, the Board approved purchasing 14 acres adjacent to Teche Elementary for the purpose of additional parking and a safe route for parent pick up and drop off.


The Board Member’s request to discuss hiring procedures was removed from the agenda.

On the motion of Mr. Stelly, seconded by Mr. Flegeance, and unanimously carried, the Board went into Executive Session.


On the motion of Mr. Blanchard, seconded by Mr. Potier, and unanimously carried, the Board came out of Executive Session.


Ms. Pamela Dill, Attorney, Hammonds, Sills, Adkins & Guice, presented the proposals for the Consent Order, Thomas v. St. Martin Parish School Board, Civil Action No. 65-11314 (W.D.La.).


On the motion of Mr. Blanchard, seconded by Mr. Stelly, and carried, the Board approved the proposed consent order on transportation.


FOR:                Mr. Fuselier, Ms. Vital, Mr. Blanchard, Mr. Foti, Mr. Dupuis, Mr. Potier, Mr. Stelly, and Mr. Knott

OPPOSED:       Mr. Flegeance

On the motion of Mr. Flegeance, seconded by Ms. Vital, and unanimously carried, the Board approved the proposed consent order on the quality of education.


A motion was made by Mr. Blanchard and seconded by Mr. Dupuis to approve the proposed consent order on student assignment.


A substitute motion was made by Mr. Foti and seconded by Mr. Potier for Catahoula Elementary to remain a Pre-K through 8 school with no bussing, go to court, and zone C is out of the question.  The substitute motion was voted on and failed, as follows:


FOR:                Mr. Fuselier, Mr. Flegeance, Mr. Foti, and Mr. Potier

OPPOSED:       Ms. Vital, Mr. Blanchard, Mr. Dupuis, Mr. Stelly, and Mr. Knott

The original motion was then voted on and carried, as follows:

FOR:                Ms. Vital, Mr. Flegeance, Mr. Blanchard, Mr. Dupuis, Mr. Stelly, and Mr. Knott

OPPOSED:       Mr. Fuselier, Mr. Foti, and Mr. Potier

On the motion of Mr. Dupuis, seconded by Mr. Flegeance, and unanimously carried, the Board adjourned.


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SECRETARY                                                                   PRESIDENT