DECEMBER 21, 2015 – 5:00 P.M.





The St. Martin Parish School Board met this day with the following members present:  Messrs., Mark Hebert, President, Steve Fuselier, Aaron Flegeance, James Blanchard, Russel C. Foti, Burton Dupuis, Richard Potier, Frederic Stelly, Floyd Knott, and Ms. Wanda B. Vital.


ABSENT:          None


On the motion of Mr. Stelly, seconded by Mr. Dupuis, and unanimously carried, the Board went into Executive Session.


On the motion of Mr. Dupuis, seconded by Mr. Flegeance, and unanimously carried, the Board came out of Executive Session.


Mr. Bob Hammonds, Hammonds, Sills, Adkins & Guice LLC, presented an alternative proposal in the desegregation litigation to the Board.


A motion was made by Mr. Knott and seconded by Mr. Stelly to accept the alternative proposal (effective the Fall of 2016), as follows:


·       Catahoula Elementary would remain open grades Pre-K – 5

·       St. Martinville students in grades Pre-K, K, and 1 would remain at the Early Learning Center

·       Students in grades 2 – 5 east of 347 would attend Catahoula Elementary School

·       Students in grades 6 – 8 would be assigned to St. Martinville Junior High School


A substitute motion was made by Mr. Foti and seconded by Mr. Fuselier for Catahoula Elementary School to remain a Pre-K – 8 school.


The President acknowledged the Public Participation cards that were filled out and allowed the following individuals to speak concerning the alternative proposal in the desegregation litigation:  Camille Quebodeaux, Clay Courville, Lanie Boudreaux, Reuben Gardemal, Mattie Vaughn, Josh Melancon, Raymond Latiolais, Jr., Jackie Theriot, Jude Theriot, Dr. Jan Boney, and Clayton Latiolais.


The substitute motion was voted on and failed, as follows:

FOR:                Mr. Fuselier, Mr. Flegeance, Mr. Foti, and Mr. Potier


OPPOSED:       Ms. Vital, Mr. Blanchard, Mr. Dupuis, Mr. Stelly, and Mr. Knott


The original motion was then voted on and carried, as follows:


FOR:                Ms. Vital, Mr. Blanchard, Mr. Dupuis, Mr. Stelly, and Mr. Knott


OPPOSED:       Mr. Fuselier, Mr. Flegeance, Mr.Foti, and Mr. Potier


On the motion of Mr. Dupuis, seconded by Mr. Flegeance, and unanimously carried, the Board adjourned.


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SECRETARY                                                PRESIDENT