APRIL 20, 2011 - 5:00 P.M.




The St. Martin Parish School Board met this day with the following members present: Messrs., James Blanchard, President, Steve Fuselier, Aaron Flegeance, Russel C. Foti, Robert E. Hollier, Richard Potier, Floyd Knott, Mark Hebert, and Ms. Wanda Babin.


ABSENT:               Mr. Frederic Stelly


Superintendent Lavergne opened the meeting with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.


On the motion of Mr. Fuselier, seconded by Mr. Hebert, and unanimously carried, the Board went into Executive Session.


On the motion of Mr. Potier, seconded by Mr. Fuselier, and unanimously carried, the Board came out of Executive Session.


ABSENT:               Mr. Stelly


On the motion of Mr. Potier, seconded by Mr. Flegeance, and unanimously carried, the Board approved the student’s request for waiver of policy and modification of the expulsion.


ABSENT:               Mr. Stelly


On the motion of Ms. Babin, seconded by Mr. Fuselier, and unanimously carried, the Board approved to follow the recommendation of the administration regarding the student discussed in Executive Session, allowing the student to participate in his/her graduation ceremony.


ABSENT:               Mr. Stelly


On the motion of Mr. Potier, seconded by Mr. Knott, and unanimously carried, the Board approved to reinstate denied credits due to excessive absences for the student discussed in Executive Session.


ABSENT:               Mr. Stelly


A motion was made by Ms. Babin and seconded by Mr. Fuselier for Student A to attend JCEP for the remainder of the 2010-2011 school year and participate in drug counseling.  


A substitute motion was made by Mr. Potier to allow Student A to return to school, effective April 21, 2011.  The substitute motion died for lack of a second.


The original motion was then voted on and unanimously carried.


ABSENT:               Mr. Stelly


On the motion of Mr. Potier, seconded by Mr. Hollier, and unanimously carried, the Board approved to allow Student B to return to school, take a drug test at the family’s expense, and participate in drug counseling.


ABSENT:               Mr. Stelly


On the motion of Ms. Babin, seconded by Mr. Hollier, and unanimously carried, the Board approved for Student C to attend JCEP for the remainder of the 2010-2011 school year, take a drug test at the family’s expense, and participate in drug counseling.


ABSENT:               Mr. Stelly


On the motion of Mr. Hebert, seconded by Ms. Babin, and unanimously carried, the Board adjourned.   


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SECRETARY                                                PRESIDENT